Miren Gutiérrez holds a PhD in Communication. She is part of the Communication research team, recognized as team A by the Basque Government, and a lecturer of Communication at the University of Deusto. She is on the Editorial Board of Frontiers Magazine (ESCI). At Deusto, he teaches classes on media and communication in the degrees of Communication and International Relations and Law, as well as in the Doctoral Programme in Leisure, Culture and Communication for Human Development and in the master’s programs Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree Program in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) and Governance for Sustainable Urban Development – CIUDAD 2030. She has been a Research Associate at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), in London since 2014. Her research interests are focused on big data politics and activism of data. Previously, she has been EFE’s Correspondent for Southeast Asia (Hong Kong); business editor of La Prensa (Panama); Collaborator of El País and Transparency International (New York); Editorial Director of Inter Press Service (Rome); Director of Communication of the MarViva Foundation (Mallorca); Executive Director of Greenpeace Spain (Madrid); Editor of Index on Censorship (London); Director of Communication of the Climate Program of the Overseas Development Institute (London).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1527-3434