Annabel Martín carries out her teaching career and her lines of research on contemporary Spanish culture from Dartmouth College in the US as a full professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and in the Comparative Literature and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Programs. She was also the creator and first director of the Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth College. Her research work is part of the field of feminist cultural studies dedicated to the analysis of nationalism, historical memory, and terrorist violence and reconciliation in the Basque context from a gender perspective. He has published extensively in these areas as well as on gender and tourism in developing Spain, on the role of the humanities in the neoliberal world or on issues of gender and educational models. She is the author of the book La gramática de la felicidad: Relecturas franquistas y posmodernas del melodrama (2005), coeditor of Tras las huellas del terrorismo en Euskadi: Justicia Restaurativa, Convivencia, Reconciliación (2019) and prepares a manuscript, Rest in Peace: The Basque Political contours of the arts, on the role that the arts play in the processes of reconciliation and democratic deepening in collaboration with various Basque artists, mediators, and victims. She is also part of several international research groups, including CITUR on film and tourism at the Universitat de València and CinemAGEnder (film and age studies). She is part of the advisory board of the SERENE NETWORK group (EU Horizon 2020) on gender and equality, is a member of the advisory board of Feminism (s) and in 2019 held the Bernardo Atxaga Chair of the CUNY Graduate Center of the Instituto Etxepare (Basque Government).