Principal Investigator
- Miren Gutierrez, PhD in Communication, University of Deusto
- Alejandro González, PhD student in Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- David Pardo, PhD student in Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Diego Álvarez, PhD in Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- María Jesús Pando, PhD in Language and Literature, University of Deusto
- Mariluz Congosto, PhD in Language and Literature, University of Deusto
- Pilar Rodríguez, PhD in Language and Literature, University of Deusto

Associate researchers
- Begoña Sanz, PhD in Communication, University of Deusto
- Cristina Ubani, Gender Expert, Basque Government
- Irene Pérez Tirado, PhD candidate in Communication, University of Deusto
Advisory board
- Alba Carballal, Writer
- Alicia Miyares, Philosopher
- Annabel Martin, Professor and Researcher
- Cristina Ortiz, Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
- Itziar Alkorta, Professor and Researcher
- Luisa Etxenike, Writer
- María Lozano, Researcher and Expert at United Nations
- Montserrat Boix, Journalist, TVE
- Stefania Milan, Professor and Researcher, University of Amsterdam